Friday, July 6, 2012

This Time Forever by Vickie Moore

This Time Forever by Vickie Moore

Trevan Elliott seems to think that Jocelyn Kendrick should fall into his arms without a strunggle. He remembers her and can't believe that she doesn't recognize him. Though Jocelyn does feel there is something excitingly familiar about Trevan's kisses...

But there is someone else who knows the truth about Trevan's and Jocelyn's shared past. A someone with a terrible secret he must hide at all cost. And he won't even stop at murder!

Jocelyn doesn't intend to be anyone's victim - not even the irrestible stranger who seems to know more about her than she does herself. But how can she resist the man who tells her: 'Fate has brought us together...time can never tear us apart.'

I say...
Єнммм...(゜.゜*)(*゜.゜)...the cover looked so alluring so I was kinda up-lifted when I started this. Guess I would make it a week for romance fictions (I still got about fortnight of holiday...may as well finish up my new sale books) before drown myself into those action fictions.

It started off quite nicely, with a murder right on the first page (not that I'm into this kind of thing) but it promised me, a good story plot would unfold. Then another surprise of time traveller was being added right after the prologue. Plus loose serial killer in town, poison and car accident, you practically had all of excitement here (I went thump thump thump just because of curiousity). I hardly wanted to put down the book, afraid of loosing the intense action built page by page. I managed to cook simple dinner in less than 15mins (っˆヮˆ)っ нa헤нa헤нa헤 as well as a quick shower. The plot moved fast, sweet romance then a dreadful finding of the murder then sweet and light flirting before running thru the alleys ‎​(>_<、) pheω...‎​(・ω・`メ)(-ω-`メ) .

Awesome, I thought this as the best work of Vickie so far (as far as I read). She obviously did her homework well, the suspense was intense and I gave it 4 out of 5 for the rating.
This is not the first work that I have read of Vickie Moore. She is well known (in the league of romance fiction lovers) of her romance story with intriques entwined within. Don't expect something too hot from her, but you could have an entertaining reading of murder or suspense investigation.

I have read her Shadowed Promises. A story about a psychic who was called to help a family solving a crime but ended up as the accused murdered. And how the handsome lawyer played his part in the story.

I read her Seared Satin as well, where the tough woman, a boss of security firm get together with gorgeous medical examiner. Beside joined forces into solving a deadly mystery, apparently they joined forces on other more intimate part too. it for yourself then *winking*

I would add my old books that I have at my private library (what i called for few bookshelves stuck together, trying hard to bear the weight of my books he he he) into the blog, maybe slowly one by one when I have time.

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