Friday, July 20, 2012

Good Friday is Friday's your day going? Mine was such a tiring day (as always - Friday is the busiest one). My girls got 2 classes outside school so I have to manage the time properly. I can't afford to miss those pricey classes, so we basically were running here and there (literally, Friday is the only day when I exercise *grinning*). Sometime, I have this wistful thought of clonning myself (っˆヮˆ)っ нa헤нa헤нa헤 but since 'one me' is quite handful already...I guessed my hubby wouldn't fancy the thought of having 3 clones of me at the same time LOL

Despite my rushing in between of my girls' classes, today is still another lovely day indeed. Many good things happened today and I'm grateful for it. First, the whether was quite perfect all day, not scorching hot and we even got little summer rain. Second, my friend (tx u Yan) treated me breakfast уααу!ヽ(▽ ̄ )乂(  ̄▽)ノ уααу! I Ŀ♡√Ɛ eating...especially if the meals come free along with a good companion. Well, it was a simple noodle @street stall but the home-made healthy noodle tasted good. And I enjoyed spending my morning with her, just talking bout anything (from Korean movies, the gossip @school until the trend of the current stock exchange...geez).

Another good thing was that finally, I was able to fix my girl' new nJAC class for August (it was conflicting with her mandarin class). It was such a pain, I questioned and surveyed 13Yamaha schools within north, west, and central Jakarta, and only 5 of them have this class open in August. 3 are on weekend, so I only got one @PV and another one @Pulomas (still tentative) which have the class on weekday. I was wondering which one should I drop when one mom (my girl' classmate from her mandarin class) suggested to reschedule our mandarin class to Monday. I was so relieved to find out that all were agree to it. Thank you moms *kisses and hugs*

Next good thing, finally I was freed of my guilt (more to my conscience part). Let's move back to several months ago, to start with. Around April, there was a driver @school (I didn't know who he was or who was his employer, I only recognized him as a driver of a student - apparently not my girls' classmates) chatted me up. He kept asking me to buy his house which after few weeks, he started asking for donation/money (he had lots of excuse, from his son was in hospital due to dengue until car accidents). But I never gave him any (well, I trusted my judgement and my heart + mind definitely telling me that he was lying).

The worst came when we just arrived @home from our overseas trip (tired, broke, and sleepy) and I found him in front of my door step, asking for money. He said, he lost his son and he needed the money for an ambulance for burial process. I was SHOCKED...not because of his news (yes, I was a bit shocked and felt sorry for him) but more because I never tell him my address and yet he was standing in front of me. Gosh! I wouldn't mind if my stalker (yes, he admitted that he was following me home one day in the past) was somebody as cool as Edward Cullen (from Twilight saga) but a BIG no no for this old-wrinkling-bony-black-man with big-scary eyes (I was reminded of Freddy Krugger - friday the 13th). I didn't give him any, since I had no cash on hand (well, I just arrived for goodness sake and I hadn't been to any ATM machine). He was angry and left.

Since his abrupt departure, I was feeling a bit guilty for not helping him (if his story was true even though I kept thinking that it was a scheme). Until today, accidentally I met with his employer. Finally, I could get some true out. After talking for a while, I found out that he was lying and all those sad events that he told me were all bullsh*t. ‎​(>_<、) pheω...‎​(・ω・`メ)(-ω-`メ) lucky me...for not falling into his tricks (made me I look like an easy prey to be deceived?).

Anyway, I'm grateful of it. I can learn to be more careful and trust my-own judgement. Hoping another good thing will come around...soon...pretty soon (ehm...wondering what my hubby will brought for my supper snack infamous rainbow cake perhaps?).

Ħªppy weekend guys and wish you have a good night

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