Monday, June 25, 2012

Sunday random thoughts

Last sunday (as usual) we were getting ready to roam the malls (well, can't help's sale season and I need to buy new wallet and sandals). Actually, I've been searching those two items but unfortunetely the ones I liked were always the new arrival so no disc geez (no point to buy then...I was waiting for the great sale moment).

We had lunch @M2S, since my hubby needed to settle something related to the closing of our baby shop. It was crowded n we needed to wait for our table for few mins. After we settled and ordered, there was a woman who waved her hands enthusiastically to me. Ehm...pardon me but I have a terrible memory on names and her face didn't ring a bell. Until I glanced over to the man who sit next to her, waved his hand to me too...oh geezz...what a surprise. He was my Binusian friend, Jeff (with her wife...sorry Desy for not recognized уσυ at time)...the one who is rather busy with his new catering business and cupcakes shop (check it out on Too bad, so much to catch up but the time and place weren't suitable for a prolong tete-a-tete...there was a long queue for the tables ‎​(>_<、) pheω...‎​(・ω・`メ)(-ω-`メ) . Even for a brief, it was sure lighten up my sunday (it was ages ago since the last I saw both of them)...gotta arrange a reunion *crossing the fingers*

Then...on our way to a mall in south Jkt, we passed a road full of posters (shouting 'coblos' this number). It's understandable since we are going to have an election for choosing the governor on the next July 11th. I don't really mind with the billboard or banners hang on the side of the road however, sticking posters on the sideway aren't an environmental-friendly way of campaign. It generates more trash (since some posters were off and littered the pedestrian). No offense but imho, those posters definitely don't comply to what the candidates' promises for a better and cleaner Jkt. In these era, surely the candidates can find a way to reach its supporters in a better way.

Traffic was lighter than the normal weekday and after we arrived at our destined mall, we strolled for a while, browsed thru the shops before we found a corner @a coffee shop. I enjoy this part so much...just sitting on the couch...doing nothing or looking on the passerby or slowly reading something. My habit is rub on to my girls as well, they found and thought that it's cool to spend time @coffee adult way of relax (I think they prefer green tea frapu @*buck than playing some games @Timez***).

I've considered many times, do we influence our girls to be consumtive, with our life style? Still in my thought, my youngest girl interrupted me and said, "Ma2...I can't drink it...the straw is sipit". We laughed hearing her referring the blocked straw as sipit (slanted eyes). She continued sipping her green tea while nibbled at her green tea cake (she loves green tea) and grinned, obviously contented with herself for making us had a good laugh. Well, whatever it is, I enjoyed spending time with my family like this.

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