Monday, September 10, 2012

Junior Science Fair @JCC

It's the second week of September...meaning, my blog has been running for three months yuhuuu   :-)   I promised to myself to write 5 posts per week for the first 3 months and 3 posts per week for the second 3 months. So, from this week on, I am going to post on every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Keep posted would you   :-)
Simple science experiment

Moving on, did you managed to catch the 2-day event of Junior Science Fair by Kalbe @JCC last weekend? If you didn’t then it’s your loss he he he. We did and we had lots of fun (we learnt too). I knew bout this event from an fb post, without knowing the exact activities, we went there after the girls’s PTM sessions @their school. We thought we arrived early (bout 10am) but surprisingly, the strategic parking lot (the closest to the building) were full already and we had to park bout 5mins walking distance from it (it was quite a long distance under the scorching sun phewww). And it was crowded too, since there was some design fair, right next to it. Lucky we only queued for few mins to buy the 10k/pax entrance ticket (re-entry with stamp).
Volcano eruption simulation

There were lots of stands, everything was related to children; from milk to simple snack/food, edu-toys to kids-tv, even kids-banking, the saving program for children. There were lots of games too, some were free as long as you don’t mind the queue and other requested you to purchase certain item in order to get a ticket for playing. The most interesting one was Kalbe city, the free-of-charge closed playground (within the theater hall) where the children could play simulations just like ‘mini Kidzania’. No parents were allowed inside but parents could enter the balcony seating to see the inside of the Kalbe city. Too bad, Kalbe city was open only for pre-registered children (there were some workstations around where we could register our children – we found it out later which at that time, almost all of the time slots were full already hiks).
Kalbe city

Beside games, there were on-spot competitions such as math, computer, as well as robotic. But the most interesting one was the science project competition held by Kalbe. These science projects were initiated and made by primary student around Java island…amazing! I was totally wow-ed…seeing how innovative and creative these kids are. They can think about something that I’ve never bothered before and they made their projects using either recycled items or simple things around us in our daily life…awesome!
Cold lava alarm project

The finalist of this competition were (1) the larva incubator which can faster the metamorphosis process of butterfly, (2) mobil anti ranjau, a car with big magnet which can sweep nails on the road…no more flat tires guys. (3) dancing knots, which enable people to draw water from the well without the need of biceps power and pail, (4) automatic alarm for wudhu, (5) research on green tea which maintains the weight of the drinker, (6) research on bee on how good bee constructs its hive, (7) cold lava alarm, (8) automatic water tap which can go on/off just by simple indicator of cardboard paper…which is very useful for those who have a big yard/garden, and the last (8) colourful pyramid boardgame which teaches and simplifies the calculation of fractions. All of them were cool but we had to choose one which was the best in our opinion (there was a small paper from the ticket which should be put inside the ballot boxes). I chose the cold lava alarm since it was so simple, made from used mineral bottles and yet very useful for people who lives near active volcanos.
Robotic competition

After some learning on science, we moved to the stage which at that time was crowded. Super-duper-crowded…all were standing and straining their necks…just for a glimpse of Brandon, the young hip-hop dancer (remember the boy from Indonesia Mencari Bakat which can move his body anyway he likes?). My girls were excited too…asking her daddy to lift them up…well trust me, it was so crowded that all I saw were only the sea of black hair, not to mention the shoulder-to-shoulder closeness which each move bumped me to another phewww. It was sure a hard day for daddy…since I saw many daddies pickabacked their kids. After Brandon, there were Coboy Jr singing One Direction’s song…What Makes You Beautiful and Smash’s I Heart U which made the crowd getting more crowded and hotter huff (I don’t know who they were but apparently my girls know and they started to sing along).
Doting daddy

Near the stage, there was a ‘mini planetarium’ inside a big black balloon(?) Presented by Singapore Science Center, this mini dome attracted lots of attention (another long queue). And there were lots of photo spots scattered around, but the one offered by Moment To Go was the best, since they were not only provide the background for photo shot but they printed the photo and put it in a paper frame as well…all were free yay! 
Photo booth by Moment To Go

Well, to sum up…it was a fun day for my girls (just enjoy the crowd he he he) and sure enlighten one   J

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