^_- ♡Ҡ...who has watched it during the last weekend? Who was willing to queue for it? I knew, it was a tough job to get a ticket for this show. Early this week...I have been anticipating (along with other female in this world LOL) the release of Breaking Dawn 2, the final closure of the famous Twilight saga. I was informed by my friend a week ago that the ticket could be bought on 12nov, using MTix. So, right at 5.30am in the monday morning, I was siting nicely in front of my laptop...checking the MTix website instead of preparing my girls' school lunch boxes LOL. After few times trying, I still couldn't buy the tickets (no BD2 option anywhere - either I was too early or the system was in process of updating its database). I almost gave up...but not before my last attempt around 7am (after my girls were off to school with their daddy). Luckily, the site showed several movies, including BD2, in which the tickets were ready to sell. I hurrily bought 2tickets for Friday night show...and been counting down until now (several hours to the show - I am writing this on my BB while waiting for the movie).
Based on my initial prediction, and according to the second part of BD fiction, I didn't expect much action. In the fiction, it tells about Renesme (Bella and Edward' daughter) with her unique talent and her surprising growth, along with the efforts of Cullen family, in convincing other Vampires that Renesme isn't the taboo immortal child as being feared by the Volturi. One thing that I am looking forward in this movie, is on how Bella is developing her 'shielding' power...and of course the first look of Bella as vampire (must be a sight).
And it turned out...
...the fanfare and drumming pls...
^_- ♡Ҡ, before I go on, telling bout the movie, I would like to tell уσυ about the crowd. I saw it at one (biggest?) mall in Kelapa Gading and there, they put 4theaters for this movie...and all were sold out...including the most corner seat on the first row(ˇˍˇ)ck! ck! ck!...ε٩(๑> ₃ <)۶з I wouldn't risk spraining my neck for this LOL. Crowd was seen here and there, even there was a snake long queue in the ladies room =.=! pheω...⊙﹏⊙ . It was such a mess, the movie was supposed to be started at 9.15pm but at 9.05pm, the previous show' audiences were just off and we had to wait until 9.21pm to enter the theater (normally the door is opened 15mins before the time on the ticket). Not to mention the commercial ads shown before the movie (normally it shows movie trailers)...I counted more than 10ca...what a great marketing strategy. I felt like watching the tv at home...at least, with tv, I can always switch the channel during the ca. So, finally the movie was started at 9.35
It was red...blood red turned to white, just like how the veins inside Bella was frozen. With improvization of Cartel Bruwel's Bella Lullaby, the screen was opened by introducing the lead actors and actresses. It seemed all those blood were being sucked up to her now-blood-red-eyes. That was all...I expected more of this but that was...the transformation of Bella. The first touch of Bella toward Edward wasn't as dramatic as in the fiction as well.
It jumped from one scene to another in quite a smooth plot. I like the 'cat fight' when Bella drank for the first time. I noticed minor changes between the movie with the fiction, especially the interpretation in the movie of Jacob's transformation right in front of Charlie...quite a scene. The scene that I was expecting, the one when Bella is practicing her shieling power was pretty flat. But I like the Benjamin and the war warrior Gareth...perfect couple as if come out from the fiction though I couldn't say the same for the Amazones.
But what shocked me a lot more was the fight that happened right after Alice was back with the Cullen and friends, facing the Volturi pack. The fight was pretty intense and spread out, so it was kinda hard to keep counting the fallen bodies. I was jaw-dropping literally when Jasper (the first victim) and then Carlisle were killed. I screamed to myself...there wasn't supposed to be a fight...it was different with the fiction!!! Then, adding up to the victim list, were Seth and Leah (in her dramatic suicide action in saving Carlisle' wife)...I guessed it was both of them since it was difficult to distinguish who is who in their wolfy body. I didn't see the magnificent power of Benjamin (well, I thought every vampire alive can do what he did in the movie...geez...for someone who possesses the nature element changing power can only knock the icing ground...what a disappointment). But Volturi was also losing lots of its member, including Alex, Jane (met her terrible end with Sam wolf), even the trio Volturi, unexpectedly were tore and burnt...
...But all of it was only in Alice's future prediction if Aro insisted to fight. Aro, saw the terrible end of his and his family, regretly decided to leave in peace (just like the end in the fiction)...left behind such precious talents of the Cullen. I felt cheated LOL...but I Ŀ♡√Ɛ it (the fighting scene)...could be the only surprising element in this movie. All were well in the end...live a Ħªppy live FOREVER
Overall, I thought this BD2 exceeded my expectation. Maybe this one will really be an epic that live forever.
*felt like wanting to re-read my Twilight saga fiction again*