Showing posts with label IAG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IAG. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I Am Gifted program of Adam Khoo Learning Technology

Holding her medal (>_<)

Hello everyone. I am writing this post on my hotel’ bed (ehm…so comfy) in Bandung while the girls are having their swimming outside. I had this urge to write about the camp that my eldest just went thru and completed last night. It is I Am Gifted (IAG) program, one of the most distinguished and well-seek program from Adam Khoo Learning Technology – or AKLT in short (please google it if you wanna know more about AKLT or IAG or you can PM me). Again – I better make a disclaimer first – that I have no business nor working relationship with AKLT and I am not paid to write about this. This post is purely my personal review of the program, which I sincerely wish could provide an insight to all of you.
Breaking her fears' board
In brief, IAG program is a 4-day program run twice a year (in June and Dec) for children from 9 to 19years old (9 – 13years old for junior camp while 14 – 19years old for the senior one). The program will empower the participant with school mastery (study techniques on how to speed reading, super memory, whole brain notes making, and many more), personal mastery (the positive and empowering mindset) as well as relationship mastery (which focuses on better communication skill with the parents, peers, and others). The one my girl joined was started June 19th until yesterday, June 22nd, in Grand Pasundan – Bandung.
The crowd on graduation night
Initially, I was very skeptical. Well, my girl was very shy and introvert, and this would be her first time spending 4days alone (ok – not basically alone but without us, her family). Since I normally assist and nag her all the time, so I was pretty worry (I guessed – parents were entitled to be worry at this point of time). So I spent a night before, telling her what she should do and what’s not. Then we dropped her off on last Thursday at AKLT Jakarta office (they went to Bandung by bus). Every hour, we (me and my hubby) stared at our mobile, either to check the live update of the camp from twitter or to check any messages from her.

So it was a bit surprised to get her first message at 11.30pm on the first night after the day session was completed. We barely exchanged few sentences since it was quite late and I thought she was tired too. She replied our message at 12am on the second night and 1.30am on the third night phewww! And yesterday we went to Bandung to pick her up after the camp. Before the graduation, we had roughly 2hours session with Adam Khoo, sharing to all of us what they have went thru in the camp and what should be changed to keep the positive attitude going.

So…all of you probably have been guessing…did my girl change? When we picked her up, the first thing that I noticed was she kept her backpack and tote bag to herself – and it was quite heavy (for the last 7 years, she used to give me her bags every time I pick her up either from school or from her tution classes). Then she told me that she wanted to go to the toilet. I just moved 2 steps (coz I knew she normally wanted me to accompany her) when she suddenly told me, “It’s ok mam. I know the place. I can go by myself”. Again I was left jaw-dropping there before retreating to my husband side and told him about this (while grinning ear to ear LOL). During our drive from the camp’ hotel to our hotel, she told us about how she and her roommates discuss together about the turns to take the small unfavorable extra bed. She also told us about her activity, the reason why she woke up at 6am every morning (she said that there was a consequence to come late – consequence was the least expected word that I expected to hear from her wkwkwkw). She also tidied up her dirty clothes by herself last night before I had a chance to nag and push her to do it. Not to mention, she now do her study and chores without so much complaining…wow…speechless   (>.<)

I know…some of you might say that it’s just post-camp-effect or that it was just small changes. But many said that small changes lead to big changes. And I realized that our role as parents is getting more vital now. We have to provide empowering environment at home that nurture her-continuous-change. Jia you for all of us