Monday, December 10, 2012

Life of Pi - the movie

'Tell me about your story that make you believe in the God'. Roughly the movie is opened by a flashback, the grown-up Pi telling his story to a writer. From the title, it must be a biography movie...a religious(?) drama, not my fav but since my hubby kept nagging me...telling me that it was a great movie and all, and I guessed (since he accompanied me watching Twilight), so I returned the favor. We watched it last weekend, missed the first 5-10? minutes since we were late...the traffic was bad.

It is a story about Piscine (sorry if I wrong-spelled it), an Indian boy which was named after the famous public swimming pool in France (where his parent met). Too bad, due to the pronounciation, he was often bullied by his classmate. Therefore, he deftly called himself, Pi. With modern-thinking father who opened the zoo and open-minded mother, Pi lived quite a comfortable live. He was smart and curious boy, he asked lots of thing...which made him believed in 3 different kinds of religion. He said, religion is like a room in a house. A single house (human) can have more than one room and probably with doubt at every corner. He saw things differently, just like his fierce close encounter with Richard Parker, a miss-named Bengali tiger (one member of the zoo). Despite Pi' belief, his father tought him (in an extreme way) that animal is an animal, without any streak for human emotion. Then, due to circumstances at that time, his father decided to leave India and migrate to Canada. They brought all the animal by Japanese Cargo ship and near Philiphine, the ship sank due to storm.

Then the movie gets more interesting from here on. Pi, the single survival was sharing a life boat with broken-leg-zebra, simpanze, a heyna, and Richard Parker (I will shorten it to RP). Due to hunger, all animal was eaten at the end by RP. Pi, striving for his own survival, found RP as the only living being that kept him sane. Feeding RP became his life purpose...he even became seafood eater (he used to be a vegan). Until after 200something days, he was ashored at some beach in Mexico. There, between life and death, RP left Pi behind without a single glance.

In term of the movie itself, it was beautiful with a nice blend of India culture. While for the special effect, like the one with sea of jelly fish, or flying fish scene, the storm and terrifying lighting, as well as the floating carnivore island that was found by Pi are awesome too. However, since it is perfectly beautiful...I could see clearly the animation of it. Pi tought us about strength for hope...for survival....and when the time is right...the strength to let go (give up). It's also about fear and be friend with it. It's about separation and get over it. It's about the journey to find your faith.

It's Pi's bout your story?

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