Monday, November 26, 2012

Hotel Transylvania - the movie

I'm no fan of horror movie, but I'm sure, even a scaredy cat person (just like me *grinning*) will Ŀ♡√Ɛ this movie, Hotel Transylvania. An animation about a father's Ŀ♡√Ɛ toward his only daughter. To keep his daughter safe, the father built a grande hotel which in some way, served just like a prison for his daughter (Mavis). Her daughter wasn't allowed to leave the premises until her 118th birthday. Oh by the way, did I mention that the father was the famous Count Dracula (and of course his daughter was a dracula too). This hotel was called as hotel for monster, where monster (like Frankenstein, invisible man, warewolf, mummy, to name few) could find a secured place, out of human's reach.

On this movie, you can forget about the vampires on Twilight. On Hotel Transylvania, the dracula turned to bat and burnt by sunlight. They drank blood-replacement and were scared of human. All measurements were taken to make sure human wouldn't be able to reach the hotel. All because of the terrible past of the father where he witnessed the people (human) were killing Martha, his wife. Little he knew that, as time past...human changed too (now they adored and were lining up just to see Edward Cullen the vampire LOL).

So, when a human boy suddenly popped up in the hotel lobby, Dracula was terrified. And just like the fate had been drawn, the human boy fell in love with Mavis, and vice versa. Dracula tried to separate them which at the end, brought unhappiness toward Mavis. Then, Dracula realized that loving someone meant giving them the trust and freedom. 

This movie sure thought me to be a better parent, to put more trust toward my girls and let them independently take decision and be responsible. This kind of parental love will encourage them to grow into a far-better-adult in the near future (I hope so ... *crossing my fingers*)

Now, next on my movies to watch list...I'm waiting for The Host (the latest movie adapted from Stephenie Meye's fiction with the same title as well) and of course, the sequel of The Hunger Games   :-)

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