Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Interesting things round us today

Since it's the last week of our baby shop, we (me and the girls) arrived @M2S earlier to help my staff in organizing and tidying up the rest of the shop. It should be ready to be handed over to the new tenant by this saturday (lucky we could find new tenant so soon).

As usual, the escalators aren't on yet and while we were climbing the escalator, we saw an old lady (around 65yo something) in front of us. She looked so fragile, shaking a lot while slowly climbing the escalator. Then she turned around and let us passed first (well, I intended to offer her some help but the look on her face said that she was managing ok). Well maybe it was just my assumption, but she wasn't looked like she was from the back. She had this perfect make up on her face and what surprised me more, she even drawn a perfect line on both of her eyes. Bravo! I envied you granny   :-)

I rarely do eyes make up since my eyes are pretty sensitive and I'm wearing glasses anyway. Shame on me but yes, I can't draw perfect and balanced lines on my eyes (I even can't do my eyebrow ‎​(>_<、) pheω...‎​(・ω・`メ)(-ω-`メ)). So I admire that old lady a lot (I got a hunch that she did her own make up). While I made a mental note to practice my eyes make up to perfection, we arrived @our shop.

The neighbours were still closed, only the one across us, was open. I smiled and said my greeting to the woman who attended the shop (I'd never seen her before). Somehow, she looked upset and didn't return my greeting. Then without being asked, my shop staff explained that the woman preferred to be called 'cece' (older sister in Chinese dialect) instead of 'mba' that I used to greet her. Apparently she considered 'mba' isn't appropriate for her (she insisted my staff to call her - 'cece').

Pardon me, but she doesn't look and speak like Chinese (no sara offense pls...just sounding my opinion and my staff confirmed my suspicion too). And on top of that, I consider 'mba' is a polite way to address woman regardless the race. I recalled my experience to be called 'mba' at some occassion (I don't mind at all) and I remembered I use the same way to address older female colleagues at the office where I used to work.

Well...maybe she has her own reasoning but I bet...the old lady that I met earlier wouldn't mind to be called mba *grinning*

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