Tuesday, July 26, 2016

10 Instagrammable Places in Ujung Kulon

Hi there...upon my return from our trip to Ujung Kulon (click here if you wanted to read the full version of it), on our long drive back home (it was terrible traffic), my hubby challenged me to write up 10 most instagrammable places in Ujung Kulon...and here there are...^^

1. On my top list, was the crystal clear sea water on Peucang Island' beach (you had to walk a bit further to the left side of the docking deck). Here, you could take any pic and that pic would turn up awesome. I like this pic so much that i made it my mobile's wallpaper. And pls, for those who was wondering...my toes are perfectly normal...oh nooo...don't zoom in ^^

2. Still at Peucang Island, but this one was the right side of the docking deck. Sunrise here could totally brighten up your day - even if you had less sleep a nite before - even when you were wondering when the breakfast would be served

3. On top of the fisherman boat yay...with any background that you wanted...any pose definitely would notch up your adventurous level
4. Another fav beach of mine recently (after been here - other beaches seemed less attractive wkwkwk), the Daplangu Beach (on par with beaches in Bali or Langkawi or Phi2). It was clean...clear...calm and blue. Stretched for miles so any angle that you take will surely come out as a great pic
5. Sunset at Daplangu Beach. As you can see, the sand texture and color were a bit rougher here compared to the pic #4 above. This was the farthest left side of the beach.
6. Sunset at Ciputih Beach. The beach's characteristic itself wasn't my fav. It features darker golden sand with coral and strong wave, a wilder version of Daplangu but sunset here was truly a sight to behold

7. Underwater pic while you were swimming among the fish or just a pic with Badul Island as the background. This island was eye-catching, a small shrub in the middle with white sand ring. And you have to swim to reach the island...cool isn't it ^^

8. Tanjung Layar, though a bit difficult to reach but the rocky formation here was so natural. If you aren't too tired for some hiking, stand on to the rock and wait until the whitecaps crash onto the rock. It will be a perfect background for your pic

9. Ciganter river where we could leisurely canoeing while spotting some wild-life
10. The broken tree on the Handeleum Island' beach


PS. All pics are taken by me, unless specified otherwise and all have been posted on my instagram

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