♧‧:ЎuuuppppP‧::♣≈ ...I'm pretty crazy bout hair now. I had my hair cut last month into a shoulder-length...a troublesome length in my opinion since the end of my hair always bend outward. I would have prefered the shorter one but the stylist insisted this one was the best for now (with lots of arguing - finally I let him do it). After finished, he (the stylish) touched here and teased my hair there and in a minute, my hair fall elegantly and beautifully...I just wow-ed. I envy those hands...it seemed like he possesses certain magic that is void in me. Then he showed me how to style my hair for daily hairdo...and eventhough I did exactly like what he told me...I couldn't get my hair looks like he did to me. Geezzz...what's the difference between my 10fingers with his-10-fingers...so I'm quite desperate bout my hair now.
My first try on waterfall braid |
Especially if I have an occassion (like wedding reception etc)...I felp helpless. Using hair-staightener doesn't help...and it was quite tiring to straighten my hair for an hour or so (my hair is quite thick so it takes lots of time and effort to straighten it)...not to mention the bad effect on my hair phewww. Until I stumbled upon a picture on Pinterest (yes, I often consult it for reference) which links toward a video on Youtube (follow Kelly @LetsMakeitUp1). I watched it and in an hour, I have subscribed myself and watched almost all of her uploaded videos. And now, you can find me...either busy with my hair...or my girls' ones
My first modification on waterfall twist |
The ones that I like to do on my girls' hair are waterfall braid and fishtail braid. For now, let focus on the waterfall one, the one that I chose for my youngest girl when she had her Yamaha JOC concert last Sunday. For the easiest one, we will start with waterfall twist, a twisting hair which gives off the waterfall effect. I choose twist because it's much simpler and faster than the braid one (and according to my girl - it is less hurt as well). I tried my best to capture the pics and worded my sentences...I hope you all can understand. If not, just find it on the youtube :-)
1. Comb you hair throughly. It is best if it's one-day-hair instead of just-washed-hair (it is more dificult to do)
2. You could either start from the right side to the left, or left to the right, or from both side and meet in the middle...your call. For me I started from the right side.
3. Separate the small section of the hair on the right side and divide it into 2 strands of hair
4. Twist the strands of hair 2-3 times for starting off
5. Get/pick a small lock of hair from the top and insert it into the twist (put the top strand of hair in the middle of the original 2 strands of hair, let it fall and twist the original strands of hair to lock it).
6. Repeat step 5 as necessary (in my case, until I reach the left side)
7. You could either use pin to fasten the twist, or rubber band, or you could fishtail braid them...anyway you want
Sorry if some of the pics are blur since i had to take the pic using my mobile phone with a single hand and if you are wondering how my girl can sit nicely for 10-15mins...well...I asked her to do her homework LOL
For the waterfall braid, actually it's the same as the twist, but we use 3 strands of hair instead of 2. And it is a mix between a normal braid with french braid. The steps are almost the same with 1 exception, as follow:
1. Comb you hair throughly. It is best if it's one-day-hair instead of just-washed-hair (it is more dificult to do)
2. You could either start from the right side to the left, or left to the right, or from both side and meet in the middle...your call. For me I started from the right side.
3. Separate the small section of the hair on the right side and divide it into 3 strands of hair
4. Braid the strands of hair 2-3 times for starting off (normal braid)
5. Get/pick a small lock of hair from the top (just like when you do french braid) and drop it into the middle of the braid. When we drop the hair (let it fall), you should drop the middle strand of hair as well
6. To replace the dropped middle hair (since we need 3 strands of hair), pick a small lock of hair under the braid (where you let the hair fall) and continue to braid
6. Repeat step 5 as necessary (in my case, until I reach the left side)
7. You could either use pin to fasten the twist, or rubber band, or you could fishtail braid them...anyway you want
I know...it is kinda difficult to understand, so I really recommend you to check on the youtube. Sometime, seeing is much better than reading :-) And once you get a hold on it, it is free to your imagination to do your braid. I hope you get it and if not, just leave a comment and I'll try my best to reply it. Good luck :-)